Monday, March 22, 2010

Ner Tehila - Mrs. Elbogen


  1. I am so greatfull I had the oppertunity to be part of this gorgeous program... may everything we've all learnt be a HUGE z'chus for her neshoma!!

  2. TY for posting this

  3. im so happy i was apart of this program-now i dont even know what to do every motzai shob. anymore-i guess ill prob. just go back 2 listening 2 Rabbi Ryzmen(dont know how to spell!LOL!)!!!.........
    im also so happy that i have finally met Mrs. Elbogin! Her neice is my sis. in school, & i always wanted to c her cousin who past away-and now i sure did-and only 3 months b4 she past away!
    I liked how she spoke about choice, but when Mrs. Elbogin said the example about getting a 2,000 dollar gift card or listening to a speech-which 1 will i do? i wasn't exactly sure- i mean yes we should list to the speech- but what if your going not b/e of the money but b/e u want to finally buy tzniut clothes? then what is the right answer? could s/o plz answer this!? im just realkly confused....

  4. what is this organization?? never heard of it...

  5. well the prog. already ended but it was a prog. 4 a few weeks on motzai shobbat. w/ pizza, games and a speech....

  6. CK u must come to ner teihla i ttly agree with liat this place is awesome and everything about it is awesome from the madrchote like chaya sara to the girls to the speeches to the pizza everything!!!! if u wanna ask me more questionsi wuld luv to hear frum u my email is dont worry its cool it dosnt have 2b akward...... this place is like my lifeline snd recharge for the weel


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