Friday, August 14, 2009

A Special Mazel Tov!

I just wanted to share some gr8 news with all of u!!
Last Friday, August 7th was my brother Shalom's yartzeit and my older brother('s wife) gave birth to a baby BOY!!
The bris was today and the baby's name is SHALOM BARUCH!!!!! It's the same name as my baby, Shalom - after my brother and Baruch was's just amazing that they had a boy on Shalom's yartzeit!!
It is such a nechama for my family that the baby was born on the yartzeit and he has Shalom's name! We feel like Hashem is hugging us and telling us - I know this was hard for you but I am here with you all along!! I am comforting you through all the difficult times...
May we be zoche to the ultimate nechama soon!!


  1. Mazal tov Mazal tov Mazal tov!!!

  2. Wow, Mazel tov! May your family only have simchos and happiness. All of your brother's namesakes should live a long, happy and healthy life and make your family proud. Thanks for sharing the good news.

  3. wow mazel tov you should have many more simchos


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?