Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Chinese Bamboo Tree

There are soo many messages to take from this clip:

There is so much going on beneath the surface! And even when things are tough and it looks like you just want to give up, remember to hold on strong because growth is on the way!!

When things are sooo difficult and it looks like things will never be good anymore, just remember that Hashem is there with you all along and very soon, it will happen!! Life will change for the better!
What an encouraging message!!

What other messages can you take from this?


  1. Ok, there are a few messages I can think of:
    1) "Tzadik KaTamar Yifrach.. Shitulim Bivait Hashem"- the tzadik grows like a palm tree when planted in the right soil. The foundation for the growing needs to be the right one.
    2) You are working on yourself, patting your foundation inthe ground, watering yourself with Torah learning, placing yourself in the correct environmnets... and still you just go nowhere... and it's so discouraging and you feel lik giving up but you realize that deep inside you a bud is growing and then all of the sudden it blooms and you just feel such loveee inside you and it's all encompassing and you feel the inspiration. And then the cycle starts again. You need to work and grow and you don't see much and its hard and you push. And yo stay where you are. So you wait, and you continue, and you feel the bud again. And it's a loonnngg process. And you see everyone else growing in leaps and bouds and you dont understand why yo are not. But it's because you are not them. No one is the same You can'tlook to others t measure yourself.
    This video was great!! really really REALLY encouaging for when you are feeling nothing happening toknow that it'sall beneath the surface and you WILL feel it and you will shoot up lke never before.
    You just need te right conditions and rely on those conditions and keep them.And you needed to be roted well before you could grow on it.
    3) it also radomly reminded me of Yishayahu perek 5. maybe someone can help connect is bt in perek 5, yishayahu gves a mashal about how Hashem had a vineyard in the most fertile corner, fenced it in to keep animals and theives out, cleared the stones from the ground, planted the best kind of grapestock and built a watchtower. But yucky tiny grapes grew.
    The Abarbanel explains that E"Y is the most fertile ground, we can flourish the most there and reach hig levels. Likr grapes need lots of work on them, we need a lot of work on ourselves and our middot more than other people. We come from the best stock of the Avot and Imahot. And like a vine's height depends on nothing but its spport, we have no limits to our growth- IF we attach ourself to Hashem, or there is no minimum to our descension if we attach ourself to nothingness and avodah zara.
    So maybe- we are given the bestttt conidtions, stock, foundations, everything we need to succeed, but if we don't use it, we'll find oursleves... with nothing happening.We think we are doing all the right work but maybe sometimes we are not and then we wonder why nothings happening. So just be aware, and sure that you are doing right and then you have LIMITLESS growth.

  2. very true, sometimes we understandly feel like we are going nowhere. However, every effort makes a difference towards our goal, and it'll happen at the right time

  3. WOW!!
    This reminded me of a story I just heard.
    There was a girl who was looking for her bashert ofr a long while. Comes Purim, and she decided she's saying the entire Sefer Tehillim in the zchus of finding the right one for her. First year passed...
    Nothing happens.
    Second purim came around, and she was dissappointed but decided she's gonna do it again. She's going to say the entire sefer tehillim again. SO she did, but the year pssed, and...
    Nothing happens.
    A third purim comes by again, and she says her sefer tehillim. By this time already though, she was beginning to get frustrated. She couldn't understand. POurim is the day we're supposed to be the closest to HAshem. You stretch out your hand, and He gives. WHat happenied. By the fourth year she said she can't do the whole sefer, but she split it up with her family. A little after that she found her zivug.
    After the l'chaim he told her. 'I know you were looking for a good learner, and I know I'm a serious learner. But I wasn't always, and I thinkI have to tell you that. Around four years ago, I was ready to give up yeshiva. But strangely, right after Purim, I got theis sudden burst of inspiration and I found a new chavrusa-top boy in the yeshiva, and things changed. THe year after that, around purim time, I got a better chavrusa. And then, I started to get discouraged again a couple months later. But after Purim again-the thrid year, I got strength again, and inspired, adn I went to E''Y. I learned there until now. And now, shortly after Purim we're engaged.

    I got the chills from this story! It just shows-no tefillah is ever wasted. There's always something happening, and we just don't know what. But He listens, He hears, and He does. Sometimes the answer is therea and we just don't see it. Sometimes we see the anwer immediately, and other times, it's just No.
    But a tefillah never goes to waste.

  4. Sometimes you put alot of work into somebody and you care about them and really try to help them. At times it can be really discouraging because they don't seem to be responding at all. don't give up and certainly never get angry. keep on giving and the roots you planted will one day bear fruit.

  5. so true. never give up. oh my gsh so many lessons. really really beautiful.

    thank you.


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