Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Demonstrating your Love for Hashem

I mentioned before that Elul is an acronym for “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li-I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to me”. This teaches that Elul is a time of expressing love to our Creator and our Creator expressing His love for us. How is this love actually expressed?

Twice daily in Shema, we state the following mitzvah: “V’ahavta es Hashem Elokecha-and you shall love Hashem Your G-d.” The Gemara explains this posuk as follows: You express your love of Hashem by making the Name of Hashem beloved among people through proper conduct, conduct “b’nachas” with others. It is no small wonder then, that the yeshivos emphasize study of middos bein adom l’chaveiro (between man and fellow man) during the month of Elul. In fact, in Kelm, the yeshivah studied sefer Tomer Devora during this time, because this sefer emphasizes the love one must have for his fellow man. So by showing our love for Hashem’s creations, we follow in Hashem’s ways, and demonstrate our love for Hashem Himself.

Here is a practical Suggestion. Every day until Rosh Hashanah, practice love for your fellow man by doing kindness and favors, to the extent that you can. Open the door for someone walking in behind you, smile at people as you pass them...

I actually try to smile at people while I walk down the street and it's really funny to see some reactions. Some people stop and ask me, "Do I know you?!" and I say, "No! I'm just smiling at you! Hope you have a great day!" It's amazing to see the way people respond to something as simple as a smile! Try it out!

You can also try to give someone a compliment every single day. Here's a quote that I made up:
"A compliment a day goes a very long way!"

And it's so true! You never know how much a compliment can mean to someone. You can either compliment the outside (wow! I like your shoes/shirt/sweater/skirt/outfit/suit/jewelry etc...) or you can compliment the person (that was soo special of you!/I really respect you for doing ----/You are such a happy person!/I wish I can be like you etc.) Ask any person - they would much rather be complimented for who they are than for their outside - what they are wearing.

So try it out!

What are some other ways we can show our love for Hashem's creations, thereby showing that we love Hashem?


  1. Put down the cell when someone is talking in front of us.

    Be understanding of others

    And what ever else people need to work on. We all deep down know what we each need to improve on.

    those are some

  2. Loving Hashem-I read once that if you want to show that you love Hashem you should tell ppl about the hashgacha pratis you experience. Also loving your fellow man-who was created in the image of g-d is a way of loving Hashem himself.

  3. I always have this question of what to do whe you just feel such overhwelming love for Hashem and you need an outlet. I have heard of saying Mizmor LiTodah but that was never enogh. Saying Hodu is great too. But to spread it to fellow Jews, aren't you supposed to "lihagid baboker chasdecha" and there are other pesukim saying how you should spread Hashem's name. But thena freind once mentioned to me thatthere's a certain tznius about your relationship withHashem. You shouldn't go broadcasting it, it's between you and Hashem... but you just want to tell the world of how amazing Hashem is... but.. is it a certain lack of tznius and humility?

  4. Tamar, I think that having a certain tznius in your relationship with Hashem means that you don't go around telling everyone all the amazing things you did, just so that they tell you how special you are and you feel good about yourself...there is something special about those people who do things quietly, without letting everyone else know about it.
    But when something AMAZING happens, you should go around and tell other people about it! When something out of the ordinary happens or when something happens that makes you feel this extreme burst of LOVE for Hashem, it is the right thing to go and tell other people - so that you help them realize how unbelievable Hashem is. There is a concept of instilling love of Hashem into the hearts of other people - how do you do that?
    One way is by making a kiddush Hashem so that when other people see how you act, they say, "Wow! Look how special Jewish people are!!" And this makes Hashem beloved in their eyes.
    Another way is by telling people all the amazing things Hashem did for you, your family, your friends or anyone you know. By telling others all the special things Hashem did, it makes them love Him even more!
    So I don't think there is anything wrong with you telling others the great things Hashem does - it's actually the right thing to do!

  5. Wow talk about a powerful message!! that is very interesting way of looking and things and really drives home the message. Thank You!!

  6. For me personally, i think im gonna work on saying nice things to my family- my sibling- and if something happens- i shouldnt call my siblings names or get angry. Words can really affect someone- and if i say nice things/compliments they will feel loved. So ill try that out.
    Also im BIG on thank yous. When you get off the bus say to the driver with a meaningful smile "Thank you, have a good afternoon" I went to Six Flags, an amusement park- and i made it a point, that when i got off the roller coasters i turned to the staff and said "thank you, have a great day" and they smiled back and i could tell they appreciated it. I mean they stand there for HOURS in the heat repeating the same things, same procedures- they work hard and that ONE thank you- they appreciate it. AS a waitress in camp sternberg- i can vouch for that- when my campers said thank you- it was ALL worth it. If we learn to appreciate what others kindly do for us- and show them love- we will be bale to see all the AMAZING SUPERB things Hashem does for us and thank Him.
    Hashem controls everything, so when we thank others- in a way we thank Hashem! And when others do for us- we feel loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps. awesome post! loved it!!!!!!!! Thank you for the inspiration!


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