Monday, June 8, 2009

You can beat the Yetzer Hara

i just read this e mail sent to me from guard your and i really thought it was cool so i wanted to share it with you!
Sometimes we are like a Dovid, standing up alone against a great and powerful Golyas. The special Jewish Neshama that wants to serve Hashem, is pitted against the powerful Yetzer Hara who seems so much stronger than us. It can look like there is no way to win this battle, in the same way that that there was no way Dovid could vanquish the mighty Golyas. But he did!!! In his eyes there was no way to win, but when we ask Hashem to fight our battle anything can be done!!
He did, because he came with Bitachon - because he came in the name of Hashem.
If only we could see how our little actions affect all the upper worlds... If only we could see what pleasure we give Hashem when we try to serve him even though he seems so hidden from us... If only we could know how our daily battles affects all of Klal Yisrael...
We must believe this, even though we don't see it. All Hashem truly wants from us in this world is "Emunah". Hashem wants our heart to call out to him with all our pain and all our emotions!! Just sit down in your room and start telling hashem how you want to beat your yetzer hara and ask him to help you!!
You can Fight the Yetzer Hara. Tell him, like Dovid told Golyas, that although he is stronger, we are coming to fight him in the name of Hashem . Just sling some stones of Tefillah and Emunah at him and he will fall with a mighty thud!
pls write any ideas that you have for me
if you put it onto the comments then i will look at it and see if its rlly good well put it up onto the site!!
thank you so much for coming and wanting to grow!!


  1. lets see what I can think of -

    How about continuing to learn more Jewish info so we build our knowledge and emunah.

    Have a positive perspetive, and trust that everything is for the best. Turn situations into oppertunities to grow.

    have a supportive friend to help us

  2. hi its chaya sara im not sure what you wrote here if you could pls re explain it in clearer words.

  3. someone once gave me rally practical advise on how to make decisions everyday properly and to ensure that to Yazar tov will always win. And NOT the Yatza Hara. Weather its going to a party, the mall, bike riding helping a friend... whatever it might be and the thought is-'Will this be good for my Neshama or bad?" one time i was really torn my friends were having a sleepover and i didn't know what to do should i go or not? so the person asked me will my Neshama be happy that i went or sad? it sounds very childlike the language because it sounds so simple but it is simple and its a simple question that will help alot in life ans will help you do the right thing and will prevent you from doing the wrong thing. Good Luck
    L'ilay Nishmas R' Yerachmle Yisral Bun Shimon

  4. I heard s.t very funny today.during the power outage a few years back all hashem wanted to hear was "we have no power"


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