Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hashem is playing hide and seek with us

We sometimes feel like Hashem is playing hide and seek with us.
we must realize that he never ever ever hides from us!!!
I just spoke to a girl who told me that she was trying so hard to find hashem and to let him in to her neshama and no matter what she did she could not feel him.We decided to do an exercise where every night she would start sitting on her bed (from Rabbi Wallerstein)and before going to sleep to have a short conversation with Hashem. The cool part is that hashem has all the time in the world for you to jst sit and talk with him anytime. so she started jst telling hashem thank you for this small thing that worked out... and then it continued on into her day where she started looking for hashems pats of love every few min. and she told me how when she started thanking hashem for things that went right she suddenly started seeing him more and more!! she could not believe how simple it was!! from one day to the next she just feels so diff. and so much happier!!
Hashem is right outside our door waiting for us to allow him in to our homes and hearts, once you let hashem in you feel so much freer cuz hashem is taking care of you!!
we need each and every person to look out one drop more for hashem so that he could finally reveal himself to us once and for all!!
Here is the short chorus of Pruzansky Oh! hashem every step i take you guide every day i know your standing by my side. You open up my eyes when i am lost and cannot see its all in your hands wherever I am your watching me!!
So here an awesome person from OhrNaava Sara who is an elderly woman sent this to me to see how she views the world could really take us far!!

One day as I was sitting on my recliner looking out my window at a
beautiful cloudless sky and appreciating the breathtaking view I was
suddenly filled with a burst of inspiration. I thought about the
awesome reality that Hashem who is the King of all Kings and the
Creator of all universes and of all mankind is always available and
always waiting for us to communicate with Him, to notice Him, to relate
to Him, to acknowledge Him. To take the time out of our day and call
out to HIM “Heneni, I am here. I have come to talk to you. To sing your
praises. To beseech your kindness. To ask your advice. To trust your
reality. To speak my heart. To reveal my soul. To express my innermost
longings. To depend on you. To love you. To know you. To make YOU a
conscious part of my life.”
Instead, many of us are lost in the maze of this Galus, each one of us
suffering our very private, very own personal Chevlay Moshiach. Each
of us is waiting for our very unique salvation. The tzoros of Am Yisroel
are beyond the measure of endurance. The rope feels so tightly
entangled around our necks. We are challenged as a nation and we are
challenged as individuals. We are all looking for ways to survive. We are
all investing a tremendous amount of effort in attempting to better
ourselves. All this, while it appears that YOU Hashem are in hiding.
Yes, though it truly does appear so, I am totally aware that you are
peeking out from behind the crevices. Whether we consciously hear
YOU or see YOU, YOU are always so very much there. And it is our
choice to talk to YOU, intimately, openly, honestly, lovingly and

pls write your comments of how you are growing so other girls can learn from you and your strength.


  1. It is so true that when you begin to notice Hashem in the little everyday things that are happening and you thank Him for the things that are going right, you will suddenly start to feel Him more and more in your life!! Because the more you notice and acknowledge the things that He does for you, the more you will realize that He does sooo much more than you ever realized!! You will continue to see it and you will be blown away by the amount Hashem does for us!!!!
    Thank you for this blog of inspiration!!!

  2. Just 2 days ago I was reading R' Matisyahu Salamon's book on chinuch. Towards the end of the book he talks about tefila. It brought back memories of camp, only 10 months ago when I felt so close to Hashem and truly felt Him when I davened. I was feeling so sorry for myself that I didn't feel it. Later when I davened minchah I cried to Hashem to help me feel His presence, siyata d'Shmaya and the closeness that I have previously felt. I wished that I didn't feel so far away...

    The next day I Baruch Hashem had such a wonderful day. When I was about to do something or go somewhere I asked Hashem for His help, having in mind that He is the only one that can help me.
    Throughout the day I felt tremendous siyata D'Shmaya in what I wanted to accomplish and felt Him guiding me along the way.
    I've heard Chevi Garfinkel say, "Harchev Picha V'Amalehu" - literally, open your mouth and I will fill it. When a person asks Hashem for Ruchniyus things, Hashem fulfills them. Ask Hashem for siyata D'Shmaya to feel Him in your life and He will help you.
    Dream Big!

  3. thank you so much for your great words of wisdom!! it feels so good to see how ppl are sharing their own thoughts to inspire others!! pls keep adding your own comments cuz i want every person to learn from each others ideas!!
    you guys are the best audience!!!

  4. Yea, i most defiantly agree. There are so many times throughout my day when i feel Hasheme holding my hand. I can say after many events- Hashem loves me! Its now a common phrase that you can hear from me. But, it wasn't always like that it took alot of work but now B'H it comes naturally, its now second nature. l would like to share one time with you- it was right after my last midterm and I finished early at 12:00 i go away to school and we were having winter vacation so i was headed home there is a public bus that i need to take to get home the first bus that i was supposed to take was at 1:30 this gave me plenty of time to say goodbye and get over to the station since its only a five min minute drive from school. some how i didn't make it. o.k i said no problem I,m naturally a very easy going person so this didn't bather me too much i figured ill hang out and just take the next bus which is at 3:00. i left out an important detail-my sister got engaged and her vort was to in 2 days with shabbos in between. I also had nothing to wear and was determined to get home with an outfit somehow. There is a really nice store in Port Authority where I hoped to find something suited for the vort. the 3:00 bus gets in at 6:45 which gave me plenty of time to shop before it closes. we left with plenty of time to get to the bus more time then usual but of cores we missed it. At this point i stared getting upset and thinking how can this be one time late is enough but to miss twice is this some practical joke Hashem is trying to play on me or what? we would have to take the next bus which arrives at 9:45. The store would be closed and i would have nothing to wear to the vort. So we decided to go to the mall wouldn't you know it we had about one hour there not alot of time but just enough. We were all grumpy and upset that we just killed our whole nigh we could have been home and on vacation already but, instead we were stuck in a place were we didn't want to be. But shopping is always good medicine so we got out of the car. i headed to the store thinking maybe ill find something. the first store i want into i found just what i needed and not only that but it was on a really good sale i almost paid nothing for it and i also found something for my little sister. At this point in middle of the store we stood the laughing because we didn't know how else we should respond. Hashem worked it out perfectly that i should miss the bus twice which seemed for no reason but then i got what i needed when i needed, it even goes farther then that which i only thought of now as im typing this which is i can shear with all of you that read this the Chessed that Hashem dose for us every day!!! take this message with you and run!!

    this is written L'elay Nishmas my father whose yarzit is 2day,
    R' Yerachmil Yisroal Ben Shimin z'tl may his Nashama have an alya and get closer to Hashem

  5. Thank u so much for ur blog it truly inspired me!it must be noted that talking to hashem should be on a constant basis. My friend rachel e told me that the smaller. The thing we daven or we thank hashem for the better cuz we say even this tiny thing is urs.two important words we learned in playgroup Please and thank you. Please hashem let this work and thank you when it does

  6. denise-that's such a good point. Please Hashem make it work and thank you when it does - I love that!


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