Monday, June 8, 2009

hashem sends us warm kisses from heaven

This e mail was sent to me by a program called b'yachad and i thought it was so sweet and a warm message for us to feel Hashem all the time whichever corner we turn , he is right there.
I was walking home from work this week. I usually take the same route. This time, a moment before I turned the block, a thought popped into my head, “How about walking another block and then turning?” So I went with it.

After reaching the corner where I planned to turn, I did. Halfway through the block, I heard a woman screaming in Russian. I turned in the direction of the scream and saw an older woman trying to hold up an old man. In their front yard, he was leaning against a fence with his legs bent, and she was desperately trying to lift him on his feet. I ran over and asked if she wanted help, not knowing how in the world I’d have enough strength to pull him up.

I looked into her eyes and sensed fear and panic and worry all at the same time. She put his arm over her shoulder, and I did the same on the other side. We both tried --- but we couldn’t do it. All of a sudden, I saw two more girls passing that block, so I asked for help. We pulled our efforts together, but we still couldn’t lift him. Eventually, we saw a man passing by and asked him for help, and he picked the old man up by himself and seated him on a bench. And we were all relieved!

After a few minutes of conversation, this old Jewish couple blessed me, and it turned out that we all knew each other!!! It was just in those moments of panic that we weren’t thinking about recognizing each other or making the connections. I found out that the old man has difficulty walking. He went out into the yard with a little stool to sit by the flowers. When he sat, the legs of the stool broke, and he fell forward right onto the fence. She saw him through the living room window and ran out to help.

While walking the rest of the way home, I remembered my thought of taking a different route home. All I could feel was how SWEET Hashem is. Making an assumption based on timing and how everything happened, I think that I had the thought BEFORE the old man fell. We’re always taught that Hashem prepares the solution before he sends the problem. He’s the One who put that thought into my head. On top of that, I believe with all my heart that Hashem heard the woman’s desperate screams and expressed a lot of mercy. BARUCH HASHEM!

These are Hashem’s kisses.


  1. beautiful

    May you always have emunah

  2. Something similar happened to me a while ago. I was walking home from work and walked a longer route than I usually do for no reason at all. It's also not in the best neighborhood. As I was walking an elderly lady who looked totally lost asked me directions on how to get to a certain street which is in a better neighborhood. I was able to help her and then I realized why I went the long way because she totally had no clue how to get there and most probably anyone else she would've asked wouldn't have even known english. :-)

    thanks Chaya Sara!! Keep up the great work.


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?