Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Matters Most...

The first time the Torah mentions money is in this weeks Parshah, Parshas Chaya Sara. The Torah writes about Avraham Avinu purchasing Me’oras Hamachpeila so he can bury his wife, Sarah. I think there is a very powerful lesson to take from here. This is a reminder for us – the Torah is telling us where money goes and that it does not accompany a person when they die!

Whenever we look around and we see different people going about their daily lives, it is very easy to become jealous. This person is pretty, this one dresses so well, she has a nice car, she is always buying new things and she is always happy. It may look like the people you see have a perfect life – problem free! But no! Nobody’s life is perfect! What you see is just on the outside and you have no clue what is really going on behind the makeup and behind the smile, behind the well-dressed person walking down the street. Everyone has their hardships. And although it is easy to become jealous because of what you see on the outside, remember what the Torah says about jealousy – kinas sofrim tarbeh chochmah, it is okay to be jealous of the deeds of a righteous person because then it will push you forward to become better too. So when you see someone who looks like she has the perfect life on the outside, remind yourself where all the money, clothes, jewelry and cars go – they are not here forever!

Instead, look around at the people you see and the way they act and try to see what you can learn from them! That will definitely take you further in life and then you will be happier because you will be using your eyes and heart to search for ways to become better, instead of looking at other people wishing you had the same!
And then, when you look back at how you spent your time, you will see that you have grown as a person, you have used all the chances you had to learn from others, grow and change for the better instead of eyeing what they have and wanting it too!!

Here is a beautiful video that illustrates this point:

What matters most is how you spend your dash, that teeny little line in between the from and to of a person’s life! It does not matter how much money you have, it does not matter how many things you have, what matters is the way you spend your time in this world!
So don't spend your time thinking about the things the people around you have, instead, notice the good things you see people do so you can learn from them and become better!


  1. Devoiry where did you fall from?? i know you came from heaven but your too good to be true!! every time you put something on you work so hard to make it sound sooo good!! i wish there would be a way for me to thank you for being my greatest sister in the world!!
    how!!! All i can do is give you a bracha since i cant do anything else... Hashem should bench you eilan eilan bama averechicha....sheyihiyu peirosecha misukin... shekol nitiyos shenotim mimcha yihiyu kimoscha that all the fruits that come out of you should just become like you!! we ahould all learn from you and become like you!!
    you are soo unreal!
    Shalom Baruch hash no idea... what he has...

  2. your sosoo cool!! wow! i really like this idea of realizing what is imp. in life!! yeh! i think we need to re think many things and realize that all that counts is what we become while we are here.
    like if we are doing something lets think about what will the future bring!!

  3. i just wanted to welcome all the new comers that just joined us! we are soo happy to have you come and see the beauty of the treasure you hold, there is soo much to learn its unreal! im just excited to have all kinds of diff.ppl coming on, brachi the sec. in shalasheles she makes everything happen behind the scenes she encourages me every day to keep doing this!! your soo awesome Brachi!!! like Haddasah from Baltimore, Sara from Virginia, Tamar from N.J. even some girls from school! as long as you are only doing good stuff on line i feel that you can grow soo much! pls tell your friends that if they are chas veshalom on the internet they should come and check this out!!and only check out the good stuff!!!
    we love our customers for real not like the hangers from the cleaners!!!

  4. So what happens if you are not jealous of a person's possesions just because of what they are, but because of how it improves their quality of life? I mean, I know that it's all bashert and that if you needed it Hashem would give it to you. But how do you deal with the emotions when they creep in....?

  5. thanks so much for posting this. it was a real inspiration to me. i hope i can carry it with me for a long time!

  6. wow this point is juust sooo amazing and gives me soo much to think about it makes me want to change for the better bec i want that dash to actually mean something to people....i want to change peoples lives for the better-mean something to me!!!!
    thank you soo much for posting this it was soo amazing


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?