Tuesday, July 13, 2010


A teardrop is a precious thing
A gift from Hashem above,
To soften pain, make whole again
A broken-hearted love.

Like a raindrop- a pure tear
Can bring immense relief
It can make a person grow
Much stronger through his grief

And when with sorrow one is faced
This diamond is a shame to waste
For it you weep just for yourself
The tears will not yield all their help

So when you cry, think of another
Someone with pain, an ailing brother
Think of the ones who cry for bread,
Think of those suffering in bed,
Think of the deaf, think of the blind
So many tragedies you will find

And when you share your tears with them
Those tears will be gathered by Hashem
And places into a heavenly cup
All the tears of pity will add up

And when the world has its full measure
Of suffering-then will come the pleasure
Then will we see the glorious days
Of Moshiah’s times, a brand new phase.

And so when I cry, I cry for others.
For suffering children and mothers

For all the pain that is on earth
I cry for all my tear is worth
And pray for a better, happier day
When Moshiah will finally come to stay


  1. WOW! This is so powerful! Thank you!

  2. Gorgeous, stunning poem. You have a beautiful heart...

  3. wow thats really powerfull do you know this song we learnt it on tisha b' av in camp by the person who made it up (im allmost positive it was her)


    When you cry, don't cry for yourself.
    Cry for me; for your fellow brother; for another Jew.
    Why do you remain alone in your own world of pain?

    When we cry,
    Let's shatter the gates of heaven.
    Break down all the barriers that separate,
    Hashem from his nation
    Reawaken Yisroel.

    When I cry, I cry for Yerushalayim.
    For so many lost;
    For children who don't know,
    The treasures they hold,
    Their hearts are cold
    They can not cry.

    Al aile ani bochiya, oy eini
    Eini yirda mayim
    Ki rochak, rochak
    Mi meini meinakhim
    Oy meisim nafshi.
    That is why I cry!


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?