Saturday, December 19, 2009

Parshas Mikeitz

In this weeks parsha, Parshas Mikeitz, we read about Paroah's two dreams. One of the dreams was about seven skinny cows that ate seven fat cows.
Chaya Sara wrote a great post about it a while ago which you can read here. I think that even if you've read it once before, you can gain from reading it again.

Read and take the lesson to heart!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful post! I was really following you train of thought that you used to write the article... and just before I read the part about 'Who is a smart man... one who plans for the future', I was thinking of that Chazzal! I found it interesting to see it right there in front of my eyes, as it fits in so perfectly. Amazing how the lesson of 'using the past and planning the future' is linked to the dream of the cows; I never knew that! Thanks for sharing this with us.


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?