Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Wagon Driver

There was once a story about a wagon driver who fell asleep while leading his horses. His horses went on their own and landed in a deep pit. Suddenly the wagon driver woke up and saw that he was now stuck in a deep muddy pit.

He jumped off his carriage and started pulling and pulling but nothing helped the wagon did not budge. People passed by and told him to bring a lift to pull the wagon out.

He listened and went to a nearby city to get a lift. The wagon was easily removed from the pit. Pleased with himself the wagon driver thought to himself “ Why do I need horses for?, horses need to be fed and cared for and in the end they abundant me, only the lift helped me!”

What did he do? He sold his horses and bought a lift. He placed his wagon on the lift and sat down but the wagon did not move…

They told him “This is not wise!!” the lift can only lift the wagon but only horses can pull and go….

We all just went through Rosh Hashana but that was only a lift, be we need to occupy ourselves with constant inspiration and keep ourselves on a regular schedule to be able to go on and be succesesful. A daily prayer, a daily learning, to uplift ourselves and to be able to find our way to the right goal. It is not enough to go through the inspiring "lift" of Rosh Hashana - we also must make sure to pull ourselves out of the mud by doing real teshuva during these important days of Aseres Yimei Teshuva!!

Have a Gemar Chasima Tova!

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Gosh. That was EXACTLY what I needed woah. that's just a little freaky... Aseret Yimai Teshuva is a time where youuu need to push yourself and show Hashem what you're worth.


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?