Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Connecting to the Right Source

What a great mashal - I got this email and wanted to share it with you!!

There is a story about a group of villagers who were touring the city of Tel Aviv. As the day was coming to an end they were invited to eat dinner at the mayor of the city. As they were about to leave, the mayor turned to them and said “I want to give you a souvenir from the city, did you see anything today that can improve your living conditions?”

One of the villagers spoke up and said “yes, there is something we really need, you see where we live there is no running water and therefore each day we have to carry buckets of water from afar. We place these buckets on camels and it’s a hassle… and in the city you have faucets! We would appreciate it greatly if you provide us with forty faucets one for each tent. This will help us greatly.”

The mayor of Tel Aviv quickly arranged for them to take back with them forty faucets. The Bedouins were extremely happy and couldn’t stop thanking him. When they got to their tents they placed the faucets by the wall and opened it… but no water came out!

They quickly called a plumber from the city to come and see why no water was coming out. When he came, he saw the faucets in each tent and started laughing. “How do you think water is going to come out of the faucet? The faucet doesn’t give out water, it’s only the means to get the water it must first be attached to a pipe that must be connected to a water source. And you, what did you do? You did not connect the faucet to a source of water, you just placed it by the wall and expected water to come out???!!!”

Many can not just be happy, they are under a lot of stress and pressure and every little thing bothers them. The remedy for this type of people is to connect to the right source and that is Hashem. Because He is the source of happiness. Just like a rechargeable battery that when it dies out we have to connect it to the outlet and recharge it again. But if we try to handle things on our own it will be as funny as placing a faucet inside the wall without connecting it to the source of water.
Remember Him at all times, mention and talk to him constantly, because He is always available. He will listen to you and answer you right away and then you’ll be flowing with lots of energy and brachos.

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