Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Power You Have

The following was written by Sarala. Enjoy this great read!

I am very passionate about this idea - Smiling. I hope it gives Chizuk and most of all inspires you.

Thank you for reading.

Getting dressed takes a considerate amount of effort and can be time consuming. We want to look our best and take some time to be sure that our shirt matches our flowy skirt which we just bought on sale; that our tights aren’t pimply and that we don’t make a run (because its brand new and we want our money’s worth) oh … whoops… ya, a run! We also want to be sure that our earrings match our outfit. Then goes the makeup. We look into the mirror making sure the base is rubbed in. Alas! We look into the mirror one last time, admire our beauty and gleam with pride! We smile inwards and applaud ourselves mentally.

With this being said, I want to tell you a little secret (just make sure to forward it!): There’s something else we all wear which isn’t a tangible article of clothing. Nevertheless, it’s another thing we wear (or hope to wear more) which can really change our day. That is … you guessed it! A smile!! All it takes to smile is to place both your right and left index fingers on both corners of your mouth and gently move them upwards. Well, that takes minimal effort (if you followed my directions) which is the long way. This is really works. It gives us a little boost when you’re not in the best of spirits and improves our mood.

What’s Behind a Smile?
So, you ask, why does smiling have so much “power?” What is it about smiling that deserves much elaboration? From a scientific point of view, smiling has the ability to create “good feelings” in us. On the surface level, smiling sends a message to our brain (via the muscles that contract) to produce those “good feelings.” These good feelings, generate positive emotions in us.

What a Simple Smile Can Do:
Imagine this:
You wake up at 7 am feeling tired and groggy. You make your way to the bathroom and stub your toe. After you recover, you throw on your clothes and schlep your tights up only to rip them. Its 7:30 and you feel your patience ebbing away. As if that drama wasn’t enough, you accidentally tilt your yogurt cup and add a decoration to your shirt (not the kind of decoration you’d buy). Not only are you tired, and groggy, but you’re moody and almost start yelling at your yogurt. You change and finally arrive at work. Your coworker greets you with a hearty “good morning.” You (the once tired and groggy person), greet her back with one of your nice warm smiles. Right then and there, you feel a certain calmness washing over you. Your feelings of fatigue literally vanished.

The “Magic” in a Smile:
What happened here? Was this some kind of magic potion? Yes, this was a kind of “magic.” Your co-worker’s (magic) smile generated positive feelings which replaced your fatigue and moodiness. Not only are you no longer tired; you’re happy, smiley and full of positive energy! Not only does a smile have the power to help us feel good. It also enhances our beauty. What’s sweeter than being greeted with a hearty, warm and inviting smile? It’s incredible!

This is the Power of a Smile!
We tend to underestimate the power of smiling and rationalize its importance/power by thinking, ‘what’s the big deal?’ What’s my smile really going to do? Can I really make a difference? All these rationalizations stem from the Yetzer Hara in an effort to make us feel inadequate and small. Nonetheless, the Torah gives us have first-hand evidence and explains its importance.

[1] Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai was exceptionally nice in one area. He was the first to greet others and say “hello.” Why was this so special? The Gemara is teaching us the importance of acknowledging another person. When we make a point to notice someone and acknowledge their presence, it shows them that they’re important in our eyes. We are giving them the message that “you matter!”

[2] The Meforshim explain that the Neshama is called Kavod. Why? Because our Neshama gives others value and respect; it gives life. When we greet someone, we’re tapping into their Neshama, showing them they are worthy of respect and this makes them feel valuable, which is why their face lights up.

A Personal Example
As I was leaving work one afternoon, my boss gave me a compliment with an added bonus: A Warm Smile. It wasn’t one of my best days and I was quite tired. However, I felt so much better: I felt energized, valued and calm. That’s the power of a smile!

To end off, here are two quotes conveying the importance of a smile and their sources:

“We can never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”

“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”

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[1] Brachos 7a
[2] Metzudas Tzion and Tehillim 57;9
(This is taken from one of the emails that I get from an amazing program called Middos Challenges. For more information, please click on the following link: challenges)

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