Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Why is it that before we eat, we feel tired and hungry yet after we eat, we feel energized and ready to take on the day?

Think about it. Who is the only One who gives a person energy and koach? 

It's Hashem. The source of life. So inside every morsel of food that we eat, there's a small piece of godliness that enables us to become reawakened and reenergized after we consume that food.

So when we eat food, we are also ingesting a piece of Hashem!

It sounds like an incredibly high level to attain and internalize. Yet, if we eat mindfully, slowly chewing and swallowing the food in front of us, we can think, Hashem, there's a piece of your energy inside this bread I am eating. Thank you for injecting it inside this food. And please allow me to have the strength to do whatever I need to accomplish today through this meal I am eating.

This is how we can elevate our food to a very high level. Let us direct our thoughts to what is going on inside of our foods and the Godly energy our bodies are absorbing!

(R' Shimshon Pincus zt"l)

1 comment:

You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?