Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Purim Poem-Lottery

Here's my Purim Poem for this year. Enjoy the message!

Purim is here, a day of happiness and fun for all,

We dress up in costumes whether big or small.

Yet there is a deeper message in this special day,

About connecting to Hashem in a truly meaningful way.

The name פורים comes from פור, which means raffle or lottery,

And that is a random selection, that’s what it seems to be.

But the תורה tells us that a raffle is an expression

Of what Hashem wants to tell us, it’s His specific instruction.

The two goats on יום כיפור as well as dividing ארץ ישרא-ל among the tribes,

Were done byגורל  to see what were Hashem’s true vibes!

And whenיונה  was in the boat that was twisting and turning,

Lots were cast to see who was at fault for all that churning.

So the message we can take is that things that seem random,

Are all part of the bigger picture of details working in tandem!

And on Purim we are supposed to look for Hashem in everyday things,

And appreciate the many gifts we have from the King of all kings.

When we go shopping and there is more than enough at the store,

We should know that Hashem set aside one for us and there’s extra, there’s more!

It’s only when there’s just one left of the very thing we need,

That we take the time to thank Him, oh yes indeed.

We learn this from when רבקה metיצחק  for the very first time,

And if we look closely, we’ll see the תורה records a very curious line.

ויצא יצחק לשוח בשדה –The walk was in גן עדן, a very holy place,

And then ותפל מעל הגמל-Rivka fell off the camel and covered her face.

The reason she fell was because she saw him walking-yes-upside down,

His feet were in the air and his hands were on the ground!

Why was he walking in such an unusual way?

Because He represented finding Hashem in the earthly, regular and everyday.

So on Purim, it’s thisונהפוך הוא , an unusual way to connect,

We thank Hashem for the “random” bounty with which we are blessed!

He hides Himself in the plenty so it takes effort to notice and see,

That the things He gives us are a gift for each of us individually!

This is the message from the name פורים which means lottery,

That nothing is random, it’s just that Hashem is hidden, we cannot see

And on this day we should look out and try to find Him in the regular things

So we can connect with gratitude and happiness to the King of all kings!

A Freilichen Purim!

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