Sunday, May 31, 2020

Guest Room

My basement
With the guest room
Once a happening place
Busy hosting
Sleepover guests
Now replaced
With quiet
It's empty
Week after week
As we seek
To remain
No guests
No more changing linen
On a weekly basis
No more inviting guests
Every shabbos
No more last minute requests
"Is your basement available?"
No more calls
To reserve the space
For families
Who need a place
To stay
When coming from far away
So they could partake
In a family simcha.
No more telling the kids
To choose a few games
Before shabbos day
So they could play
On shabbos morning
So the guests could stay
The basement -
It's all theirs
Every day of the week
No more sharing their space
No more hosting with grace
No more giving a place
To people who need.
Our guests thanked us
They were so grateful
When they'd leave
But did I realize
How much I gained
From hosting?
How much I enjoyed
On the giving end?
Our home is still full
Full of noise
Full of laughter
Full of learning
Full of fun
Full of laundry
Full of messes
Full of kids.
But it's empty
Empty of guests
Empty of Hachnosas orchim
Empty of
The weekly giving.
Yes, I'm still giving
To my kids
To my family
But I want to give
To a bigger circle
Of people who need
Of people who enjoy
My home
My food
My desserts
My company.
I think about
Hashem's home
That was once full
Full of people
Full of kedusha
Full of purpose
Full of meaning
Full of life.
Now that home
Is empty.
Completely empty
Are we ready?
Ready to be the ones
To fill that home
With kedusha?
With purpose?
And with meaning?
Do we fill our homes
With kedusha?
With purpose?
With meaning?
Can we be the ones
To return to
Hashem's home?
So He can host us
And bestow upon us
All the goodness
All the blessings
That come along with
Basking in His presence?
My home is so full
Yet empty in some ways
My heart is full of yearning
Waiting for true change
When we will be united
Together all Jews
With clarity
And the redemption
Just to name a few.
Look at your nation
Look at the chessed
Look at the tefillos
Look at the teshuva
Of so many individuals
We are changing
We are growing
We are yearning
We are hoping
For change
The Ultimate change
The Ultimate geula
We want to be
In Your home.
Bring us home
Fill Your home
With our noise
With our laughter
With our joy
Of the geula
Of knowing
That all this
Was part of
Your plan for us.
Bring us back.
Bring us home.

Monday, May 4, 2020


The following poem was written by Sarala Pollack. I'm sure it will inspire you as much as it inspired me!

A tiny microscopic germ,
Inflicts so many,
Keep us in our house,
Does not allow us to interact,
Has changed our lives, while trying to keep intact,

Thought it's tiny,
Its potential is so great,
It created such a scare,
Do not go near me, don't dare!
So tiny, yet it has changed our lives
So small, yet it has dictated what we do,

We, precious human beings,
Children of Hashem,
We may think we're tiny, so small,
We may think we're just nothing at all,
I'm just but like the many starts in the sky, we think,
Who am I, amongst so many stars?
But that's precisely who are we are,
Our value, our worth,
So vast, unlimited,
So bright and shining,
So precious and unique in our own way,
So special, it would be a sin to forget it all,

So, as we're home,
Let's contemplate our unlimited worth,
Let's embrace ourselves,
Let's shine in ways that may seem "microscopic" but are truly not,
Let's shine, smile, laugh, sing, create and let ourselves break through