Monday, May 9, 2011

Just relax as you watch the water so calmly sing to your neshama positive words that will make you feel hashem with you!


  1. ah. perfect for AP time. thanks Chaya Sara!! THIS is whats impt at the end of the day- the relationship you build with Hashem, not ur textbooks!

  2. I happen to love the water so this is perfect. Thank you.

  3. WONDERFUL ONE!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this video!! So relaxing at the end of a long day!
    The sound of the water has such a calming effect...and lets your brain wander, relax and think...thanks so much for posting this Chaya Sara!

  5. Awesome!!
    Ma Rabu Maasecha HaShem

  6. can i watch this in sefira???

  7. This one was fantastic..I had to watch it a few times..yumm!HASHEM GIVESX US SOO MANY WAYS TO CONNECT W HIM IF ONLY WE SEE IT AND FEEL ITthank u chaya sara for puttin up exactly wat I need wat siyata dishmaya hashem gives u!mwa!


You made it to the end of this post! What do you think about it?